Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Los beneficios para la salud de expresar gratitud son muchos y algunos pueden incluso resultar sorprendentes, pero comencemos por lo básico, ¿qué es la gratitud?

La gratitud es simplemente tomarse el tiempo para pensar en todas las cosas positivas que tienes en tu vida, en lugar de reflexionar sobre los negativos. Esta es una de las herramientas naturales más importantes y efectivas para aumentar la felicidad, habiendo incluso hoy en día un sinfín de estudios científicos que demuestran cómo ser agradecidos y practicar la gratitud nos brinda ventajas a nivel salud.

Tener una actitud de gratitud no cuesta dinero, no toma mucho tiempo ni es demasiado difícil de practicar, pero sus beneficios son realmente enormes, lo que hace que valga la pena darle una oportunidad.

Centro psicológico alicante: beneficios demostrados de la gratitud

Como mencionamos anteriormente practicar la gratitud nos permite observar las cosas buenas que nos pasan en la vida. Esta perspectiva positiva sin duda nos brinda un sinfín de ventajas, pero veamos algunas de las que han sido probadas por la ciencia.

La gratitud abre la puerta a más y mejores relaciones

Decir «gracias» no solo constituye buenos modales, sino que mostrar agradecimiento puede ayudarte a ganar nuevos amigos, según un estudio de 2014 publicado en Emotion. El estudio encontró que agradecer a un nuevo conocido los hace más propensos a querer entablar una relación. Entonces, ya sea que agradezcas a un extraño por sostener la puerta o envíes una nota de agradecimiento a ese colega que te ayudó con un proyecto, reconocer las contribuciones de otras personas puede generar nuevas oportunidades y definitivamente te abrirá la puerta a construir más y mejores vínculos con otras personas.

La gratitud mejora la salud física

Las personas agradecidas experimentan menos molestias y dolores e informan que se sienten más saludables que otras personas. Además también se observa que quienes practican la gratitud y tienen una perspectiva positiva de su vida también son más propensas a cuidar de su salud de manera más activa, haciendo ejercicio con frecuencia y asistiendo a chequeos médicos con cierta regularidad.

La gratitud mejora la salud psicológica

La gratitud reduce una multitud de emociones tóxicas, desde la envidia y el resentimiento hasta la frustración y el arrepentimiento. Robert Emmons, un investigador líder en gratitud, ha realizado múltiples estudios sobre el vínculo entre gratitud y bienestar llegando a confirmar que la gratitud aumenta efectivamente la felicidad y reduce la depresión en las personas que la practican con regularidad.

Ser agradecidos nos hace más empáticos

Las personas agradecidas tienen más probabilidades de comportarse de una manera más sociable y empática, incluso cuando otros se comportan de manera menos amable, según un estudio de 2012 de la Universidad de Kentucky. Los participantes del estudio que obtuvieron una clasificación más alta en las escalas de gratitud tenían menos probabilidades de tomar una mala actitud contra los demás, incluso cuando se les dio una retroalimentación negativa.

La gratitud mejora la autoestima

Un estudio de 2014 realizado sobre deportistas y relacionado a la perspectiva positiva y al agradecimiento como filosofía de vida  encontró que la gratitud aumentaba la autoestima de los atletas, un componente esencial para un rendimiento óptimo en cualquier actividad deportiva. Otros estudios han demostrado que la gratitud reduce las comparaciones sociales, por lo que en lugar de resentirse con las personas que tienen más dinero o mejores trabajos, un factor importante en la reducción de la autoestima, las personas agradecidas pueden apreciar los logros de otras personas.

Gratitud y estabilidad emocional y mental

Durante años, la investigación ha demostrado que la gratitud no solo reduce el estrés, sino que también puede desempeñar un papel importante en la superación del trauma y en la manera en la que manejamos la estabilidad mental. Un estudio de 2006 encontró que algunos veteranos de guerra con niveles más altos de gratitud experimentaron tasas más bajas de trastorno de estrés postraumático. Reconocer todo lo que hay que agradecer, incluso durante los peores momentos, fomenta la resiliencia y hace que las personas puedan tener una salud mental mucho más estable y fuerte.


Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Centro psicológico alicante

Centro psicológico alicante
Centro psicológico alicante

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks