Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso de meditación y mindfulness


Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Curso Mindfulness

Curso Mindfulness
    Curso Mindfulness

Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks

Despierta tu mente, abre el corazón, descubre nuevas maravillas en tu vida.

Objetivo del curso

Curso intensivo donde conocerás los secretos de esta combinación de técnicas de meditación, modernas y milenarias, así como la forma de aplicarlas en la vida cotidiana. 


Dirigido a

Imagen Mujeres Felices

Para ti, que eres una persona implicada en tu desarrollo personal y buscas conocer y practicar las técnicas más efectivas para tu crecimiento interior, éxito en la vida y salud integral.

Puedes recibir este curso tanto si ya practicas meditación y mindfulness como si quieres iniciarte en estas disciplinas.


Desde las 12.00 h. hasta las 19.00 h.

Psicólogos Castellón: la asertividad en poner límites saludables

12:00 h. Presentación

Terapia valencia: atención plena para tomar buenas decisiones

12:30 – 14:30 h. Teoría y prácticas variadas.


14:30 – 16:00 h. Veggie lunch y más mindfulness.

Guía de relajación para aliviar el estrés – Parte II

16:00 – 19:00 h. Actividades, merienda y despedida.

Ofrecido por


Dulce María García. Psicóloga, psicoterapeuta y especialista en crecimiento personal. Profesora de Yoga, meditación y mindfulness.

El lugar

Ca Carmela en Náquera (Valencia, España)

El curso se desarrollará en Náquera, en el entorno de Sierra Calderona se encuentra Ca Carmela, una casa de belleza singular, rodeada de naturaleza y paz. Espacio acogedor con vistas al Mediterráneo.

Haz tu reserva con este formulario.