La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
El dolor es el precio que pagamos por amar a alguien o por invertir nuestros sentimientos en un trabajo o en un negocio: es parte del trato, y prácticamente hay dolor asociado a todo lo que emprendemos en la vida independientemente de que se trate de relaciones amorosas, vínculos o proyectos. Si te beneficias de estar cerca o de invertir mucho en algo o alguien, entonces seguramente te lamentarás cuando eso ya no esté más a tu lado.
Pero el dolor no es una enfermedad: es un proceso natural de adaptación psicológica a la pérdida de una parte importante de nuestras vidas. No se trata de olvidar o de simplemente de «seguir adelante», el dolor y el duelo se trata de cómo llegamos a vivir con una pérdida y construimos nuestras vidas alrededor de ese vacío que nos queda.
El duelo de haber perdido el trabajo
Ya sea que hayas sido despedido o te hayan reducido la jornada entre otras alternativas negativas en el marco del trabajo, perder el empleo es una de las experiencias más estresantes de la vida. Aparte de la angustia financiera obvia que puede causar, el estrés de perder un trabajo también puede afectar al estado de ánimo, las relaciones y su salud mental y emocional en general.
Nuestros trabajos son a menudo más que la mera forma en que nos ganamos la vida: influyen en cómo nos vemos a nosotros mismos, así como en cómo nos ven los demás. Quedarse sin trabajo repentinamente puede hacer que nos sintamos heridos, enojados o deprimidos.
Dependiendo de las circunstancias del desempleo, pueden surgir un sinfín de sentimientos y emociones desde impotencia por no conocer el rumbo futuro de nuestra vida hasta estrés y tristeza por haber perdido algo que nos daba plenitud. Igualmente no importa cuán sombrías parezcan las cosas en este momento, hay esperanza: con tiempo y las técnicas de afrontamiento adecuadas, se pueden aceptar estos contratiempos, aliviar el estrés y la ansiedad y seguir adelante con la vida.
Para poder abordar de manera adecuada el tema de hoy en relación al duelo por la pérdida del trabajo es importante que primero sepamos cuales son las etapas tradicionales del duelo.
- Ira y chivo expiatorio: culpar a alguien o algo por la pérdida
- Negociación
- Desesperación y depresión
- Aceptación
Comparte tus sentimientos
La clave está en expresarlo. El duelo es la expresión del dolor, y tenemos rituales de duelo que han surgido culturalmente que se crean para ayudarnos con la pérdida de seres queridos. Pero si bien existen procesos sociales y culturales para esto, es diferente cuando el dolor es por la pérdida de un trabajo muy querido, por ejemplo, o un negocio que ha estado construyendo durante toda su vida.
Compartir esos sentimientos es fundamental para el duelo. Necesitamos encontrar diferentes formas de compartir para diferentes situaciones de dolor como la pérdida de un empleo. Hazle saber a alguien en quien confías cómo te sientes. Está bien decir que es doloroso y que duele y está bien sentirse triste, al igual que recordar los buenos tiempos y apreciar lo que has perdido.
Y ten cuidado con la negación: está bien sentir dolor cuando sucede algo que duele. No intentes adormecerlo con drogas o alcohol.
Mantener una rutina
Puede ser muy difícil mantenerse motivado y optimista en estos tiempos de incertidumbre, especialmente cuando aumentan las preocupaciones financieras, pero debemos tratar de mantener algunas rutinas para ayudar a aliviar la ansiedad.
La gente necesita ritmo y patrón en sus vidas: algunos de nosotros necesitamos más patrones que otros y podemos sentir estrés cuando estos patrones se superan y tenemos demasiado que hacer, pero también cuando tenemos muy poco que hacer. Tenemos un nivel óptimo de actividad y desafío y si nos alejamos demasiado de eso, nos sentimos estresados.
Da un paso atrás y piensa en el patrón habitual de tu vida. ¿Cómo funciona cuando estás más contenido y te sientes mejor? Puedes utilizar tus horas de trabajo habituales para establecer contactos y postularte para cualquier trabajo, incluido el trabajo a tiempo parcial o el voluntariado que también son buenas opciones para cuando estamos en paro y esperando nuevas oportunidades. También recuerda hacerte tiempo para socializar, lo que puede ser a través de videollamadas en este contexto pandémico en el que nos encontramos actualmente. Si bien esto nunca será tan poderoso como reunirse cara a cara, aún puede ser relajante.
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks
La pérdida del trabajo y las etapas del duelo
Content syndication on world’s top sites is no doubt one of the most successful way to promote & grow your business. With the help of our Newswire service, you can get featured on some of world’s top media sites which not only results in your brand visibility but also creates high authority. About MeITips and Tricks